Why choose an Online English Tutor for English Language & Literature?

As a core subject, English is a vital component of The National Curriculum and ‘standard pass’ at GCSE level 4 is a crucial indicator that students can read fluently and write effectively.

Throughout their secondary education, students must develop their skills so that they can read a range of texts and express their thoughts with clarity and nuance in both writing and discussion.

In this context, parents and students and families seek tutoring for a number of reasons. Some students require additional academic support as they prepare for public examinations because the revision period is a demanding phase of their lives.

Home-schooled students benefit from regular English lessons with a subject-specialist, while other students need ongoing support during an academic year in order to develop their confidence and skills in a safe and nurturing connection with a tutor.

My English Language and Literature Tutoring Services.

Tutoring students with additional needs

Tutoring also provides a consistent, personalised environment within which students with additional needs can build their knowledge and understanding. These include

  • Disabilities

  • Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

  • Autism

  • ADHD

  • Emotional and behavioural needs 

  • Absence from mainstream education for psychological and medical reasons

  • Stretch and challenge for Gifted and Talented students.

I welcome students in any and all of these circumstances.

Tailored support for English Language and Literature.